NIGHTS: chivalry to villainous

Nights always used to be fascinating. Yes, nights are dark, but since she was a child she always fell in love with the nights, when the whole world would go calm. No matter where she was, she had fallen for nights, the darkness, the stars, the moon, the sound of birds, the time when the people had to not worry about rushing and doing the things we would do for life, the time when the world actually gets time for themselves. The breeze of the whimsical wind that would not just make her skin feel the chills, but also would make her heart skips a bit and she would never be happier than ever. This girl would wake up at night when everyone felt asleep just to take one glance of the stars and to see if the constellations are around. She liked the way how that little moon could brighten up the whole damn darkness around the world just with it's little spark on the full moon night. She would never let herself miss the full moon. Not just the moon and stars and constellation, she loved the vibes about the nights, how pleasuring it was. She would spill her heart out in form of pages, when everyone else would sleep. Oh yes, she would also pretend herself sleeping when her darling mother would come to check every while if her blankets are on point or not. She was a good actor, she would pretend everything so easily, until once her mom caught her. Why wouldn't she even predict that, when her daughter has got all those craziness and the acting talents from her mom anyways. But the surprising and happiest part was when mom started encouraging her for admiring the beauty of moon and star and how she would acknowledge her daughter about the heaven and hell , soul and body, ancestors and soul, stars and life, sky and rivers, religion and humanity. And that's how the little girl would become the happiest, for having her mother for every loneliness within her, for having her mom for every essence of being she would learn. She was the girl who would choose the stars and moon over the barbie dolls and teddies.It's not that she hated dolls and teddies, but when it comes about preferences, the dolls and teddies would be left, all alone and she would get lost within herself, in between the stars. Of all the love she had, nights was her favorite, she had friends, but she would never share any part of her with them, until she became a little older. She was a loner, she would love spending time with herself in between the nights and darkness, in her mother's words, in her father's wisdom and in her brother's smile. She had no friends, all she had was family and their love. But she was happy, yet the happiest kid you would know, who would never complain about the toys or chocolates or anything else like every other kids would do. She would not even cry, like other kids, when she wanted to cry, she would cry, but in silence, without letting others know, because she didn't wanted the people she loved to be sad, because of her own sadness. Most importantly her mom. She succeeded, she was the most amazing and decent kid anyone would ever have. Her mom and dad could never be grateful enough for having such a understanding and happy kid as their child, they would even say that to her and she was the happiest.She would yet share about her, happiness and sadness to the stars, as they were the only friend she had. She could never be grateful enough for stars, just for existing, that's how deeply she was connected with the night and stars. The innocent happy loner slowly transformed into crazy daring extrovert with the time and also she was the most loving human being among her friends circle. Oh yes, you heard it correct, she had friends, no not just friend. She got real friend, the best-est ones who would love her like she is the most amazing human being in this whole world, yes, the introvert turned into an extrovert, yet her love for night and darkness was still there, she would share her happiness and sadness to her friends, but her essence and vibes would always match with the vibrancy of the chills that nights have within it.She loved her friends but the night always was her first and the number one. I think that's what all of ours first love are, special and deep, no matter what. With the growth, the kid, the girl, the teenager already had experienced the taste of nights in every possible ways, from being getting lost within the woods, chivalry of music, chaos of the city, smell of the lakes, sound of the crazy little animals, buzz of the water of rivers, every possible ways. And she had fallen more in love with the beauty of night, with every bits of it. The more she spend her time with night, more in love with it, she would fall. The nights for which her love was unconditional,that day seemed different, night was full of goosebumps and heartbeats, heart was full of terror, while mind could not function well, she felt heavy. Night seemed dark, for the first time in her life. The real dark, she felt like the night holds something that will break her forever. She could neither sleep, nor think anything. She was afraid, really afraid for the first time in her life, her hand was shaking. She was in a hospital for the first time in her life, waiting for her luckiest charm to get well, but she felt like something wrong is happening and life is going to destroy. She was sleeping, but could not sleep. Those every minute seemed like the years. That was the longest night she ever witnessed till that day. She never felt so much helpless and so week ever before, no never, not even when she actually had to go through the surgery. She wanted the night to end like never before, she always fell in love with the nights, but that night was terrific, not just night everything during that moment seemed terrific. The next night consecutively felt deeper and harsher than the previous ones, and then she never loved the nights ever again. No she was not scared but she no more had that special place in her heart about the night ever again. That one night destroyed everything, her heart broke. No, it was not normal heartbreak, like normal breakup heartbreak or the feeling after quarreling with brother, or by being spoiled of her secret from best friend, no the heartbreak was different. And nothing could ever make that heart into whole ever again. Not just her heart, whole part of her was devastated. The most traumatic thing she had ever experience was earthquake until then. But, comparing earthquake to the devastation she had experienced. Earthquake would not even make sense, earthquake felt like nothing. She was going through earthquake and cyclones and volcanoes,every devastation, all at once. She never loved night since then, never. Night was full of terror, The darkness she loved was turned into the darkness, she hated. She tried to fix herself and she would hold her piece by piece, she would mend herself piece by piece everyday, she would pick herself in best possible ways she ever could, but she could never be a whole ever again. She never loved nights ever again, like she did before. That's how her CHIVALRY nights turned into villainous


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